at 5.30 I set off on what used to be a regular past time walking and taking photos, it was a real treat for me And the scenes and the wildlife was worth the effort of an early morning rise, it is also much too hot to go walk about between 10.00 and 19.00 . yesterday it was 51c + in my flat . that makes for sunburn weather
or sun stroke. first I will show sunrise and go through my walk showing one of each species If you want to see the whole collection go to the sidebar. and click on the relevant blog, Ie birds will be on birding in egypt. all my blogs have the word Egypt in the blogspot heading.
The bird in the above photo is the Squacco heron and the same Heron as it came to feed on the wetlands'
as soon as it realized I was there it took off again once I was on my way it came back again

the Little white Egret always hunting for the next meal
The first bird I saw was sitting on a wire Quite high up not a good shot and cannot Identify the species. I thought at first it was the Bulbul, after getting it on the computer I do not think I have seen this one before
The laughing dove, such a pretty bird lots of them around searching for food before it gets too hot,
then this one The Gracful Prinia, So tiny and so active, like me she is hunting for the dragons but they will catch in flight and fly off to eat. she had enough to choose from today Hundreds of dragons about even on the wires close to where this shot was taken. they seem tobe all one species or Maybe its to early and the others are late risers.
A closup of one of the dragons on the wires,
I have got many shots of the black winged darteron the dragons blogspot, they mate with a lighter couler and it seems this is the offspring not seen one this colour before so I took a shot of it.
This beetle was too far in the swamp for me to get a decent photo it would have been nice to have got a macro shot , never seen one of these before, another day maybe. but I know now where to look.
f inish part one with this shot of the Water bufallo calf and her minder the cattle egret
the egret is also this years baby.